Oils, egg tempera, gold and copper leaf on mounted canvas. 2024. 80cm x 60cm
Original painting available $6600 (enquiries odxob@yahoo.com).
Limited prints on paper and canvas available below
Chinnamasta is one of the MahaVidya, the Ten Wisdom Goddesses of Tantra.
This is a traditional depiction of Her, standing on the back of the God of Desire Kama in copulation with Rati.
The three streams of blood erupting from Her neck represent and fountain out from the Sushumna (central spinal nadi/energy channel), Ida (lunar nadi) and Pingala (solar nadi).
Thus the central channel feeds Her own self-severed head, and the other two feed and sustain the blue (lunar, with silver jewellery) and red (solar, with gold jewellery) Yoginis dancing on either side of Her. In the background is Her Yantra.
The Symbolism of Chinnamasta’s iconography has been interpreted in recent times by modern orthodox Hindus and New Age westerners as representing transcendence of sexuality and desire, but in the original context of ancient Tantra, it seems more likely to represent Transcendance through sexuality:
The Kundalini energy is activated and raised and ejaculates out the top of the spine. A state of Headlessness (conscious mind transcended by pure energetic ecstasy) is achieved.
The self-sacrifice represents recognition of the infinite energy (always accessible if circulated effectively) of the Universe.