Orryelle (Australia/Belgium) performs with Voice and Violin through Loop and FX pedals. Pitch-shifting with a Harmoniser pedal for cello and double-bass sounds, he progressively builds up layers of strings into an orchestral crescendo

(the best example of this is ‘If…’ as heard live at the Hastings Museum & Gallery in the video below)

With decades of violin training, his music is sometimes post-classical, sometimes middle-eastern, other times purely experimental or the strings are used as a simple drone to accompany throat-singing.

With a three-and-a-third-octave vocal range, Orryelle experiments with overtones and undertones, can do a fine imitation of a Didgeridoo without the instrument itself, and sometimes experiments with glossolalia (speaking/singing in tongues) ranging from the celestial to the bestial, telluric and chimeric.

BOOKINGS: email odxob@yahoo.com

Orryelle’s live performances are ritualistic and theatrical, incorporating Butoh dance, mudra, poetry and sometimes the live sculpting of hir own form with clay and various appendages, a dynamic new aspect of earthen metamorphosis.

Various Ancient deities may be invoked, and a show is often a mixture of composed, structured songs (extracts from example ‘Daleth’ below) and free-form improvisation -the balance being determined by inspiration and atmosphere.

Where suitable, his own film work is projected in the background, incorporating the visual art (oil paintings, animated sculpture, morphing drawings) he is most known for:

Performing at the International Thelemic Symposium, Oxford UK Sept. 2024

A highly adaptable performer, Orryelle has played in a wide range of contexts around Europe, UK, USA and Australia -from Festivals to Esoteric Conferences, Music Venues, Art Galleries, Museums and Theatres.

BOOKINGS: email odxob@yahoo.com

www.soundcloud.com/orryelle – used as a place for samples of various projects and albums, as well as live recordings, temporal improvisational collaborations and pieces of music which don’t fit anywhere else.

www.orryelle.bandcamp.com – Samples of the 2023 album ‘Esezezus‘ which was launched with the hardback book of the same name (Grayle Press 2023) -an exegesis on the Magic of Language. Esoteric poetry from the book, presented in various styles (some orated some sung) with diverse musical accompaniment from a range of talented collaborators.

This bandcamp page also links to the self-titled album of temporal Australian 4-piece ‘Implausibility of Gnu’ (Orryelle – violin, voice, harp, panpipes; Evan FluX – synthesizers, organ, bass; Paul Rodgers – synths, theremin; Mark Noulton – Guitar)

rechtaWatcher album (2007) – early works by Orryelle with various Australian accompanists, on the Sombre Soniks label.

Other Current Musical Projects:


A dynamic new collaboration between magician-musician Orryelle and James Hodson (Fr) ex. Faust / In Gowan Ring / Splintered.

Surging synths, soaring violin, verse and vocals, with ritualistic theatrics.

First album due late 2025.


Belgium-based Improvisational ensemble. A Mythic beast formed of disparate heads, converging in a single elemental body precipitating wyrd music.

Orryelle en-chants with violin and voice
Fre flays bass in fretted fray with bliss
Rinus’s elecstatic frequencies undulate betwixt extremities

RinOrrcius -the previous incarnation featuring Lucius on theremin, and guest Sam Wake on drum -at Haekem Brussels 2021